Very realistic imitation of whitened wood slats.
Arranged in chevrons, these add a graphic and dynamic touch to all sets. Used sparingly, they are a great way to revive a room.
Whistler is available in three different panels with a chevron pattern that fits perfectly together. You can lay them next to each other, as many times as you want, without losing the sequence of the chevron. Attention: during installation, watch the direction of the panel to make sure that the pattern in W continues from one panel to another.
They are of course simple and quick to install. They are also very easy to maintain.
Este tablero HDF está hecho de fibra de madera 100% reciclada.
Para la instalación en paredes interiores o techos.
Tamaño: 48’’ x 96’’ (122 cm x 244 cm)
Tamaño: " x " ( cm x cm)
Grosor: 0.25" ( cm)
Número de paneles por caja:
Número de paneles por caja:
Número de tablones por caja:
Superficie cubierta por caja: ft2
Superficie cubierta por baldosa: ft2
Superficie cubierta por tablón/panel: 32 ft2
Material: HDF hecho de fibras de madera 100% recicladas
Acabado: Imitation réaliste de chevrons blanchis grisonnant